Doing-the-Stepbrother Trend

Post updated July 6, 2015:

After surgery and a lot of tight deadlines, and with a biopsy and more surgery in the near future, I am STILL determined to take a good look at this stepbrother book trend. I’ve decided to set myself a challenge, for which you can find my progress bar in the right-hand column. I’ve set a goal for 20 stepbrother books before the end of the year.

Rather than a binge read, which I’ve found is impossible with my reading schedule, I’m going to slip them in when I can and reach a goal! This is not something I normally do, except the basic read-this-many-books-this-year goal ala Goodreads Challenge. I’m a disorganized, sloppy rule-breaker, but 20 seems like a number I can handle.

GO! Join me? So that this goal isn’t some huge chore, I’d love to see comments, Tweets, Facebooking, and all that good stuff. Please don’t leave me alone to get sick on these. LOL!

Original post of May 14, 2015:

I’ve collected a few of those stepbrother books that seem to be a trend since the highly-popular Stepbrother Dearest, which I haven’t read yet. I want to know what the fuss is all about. So, those books I collected are going to get read and reviewed in no particular order, except that I’ll start with the trend-setting one. Even well-known authors have jumped on this train. I’m looking forward to giving them a look-see, particularly the oddly-titled Stepbrother Gynecologist. A few of the books are short erotica stories, which is the only place I’ve found the pseudo-incest with stepbrothers before this phenomenon.

I’m thinking this little adventure will be starting in a week or two, though it’s been on my mind for a couple months. I can’t wait to share these books with you!

5 thoughts on “Doing-the-Stepbrother Trend

    1. It took me a minute, but I figured that out. LOL! Darn WordPress comments don’t allow for editing. I forget to proofread short posts often. Have a lovely day, Krissy!

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